In life, we are co-creating with source energy or spirit. This is proven by science and evident in the laws of quantum physics. Our thoughts and beliefs have energetic power and what we think about shapes our reality. When we focus on something and give it enough energy it starts to manifest in our life. This is described as the observer effect in quantum physics. Where our attention goes, energy flows. By observing, focusing and giving energy to thoughts we help the thought to manifest in our reality. This gives rise to the law of attraction, also proven in quantum physics. When energies with the same vibrations align they are attracted to each other This can be thought of as “like attracts like”. It follows then that our thoughts tend to attract similar results in our life. Hence our life is a reflection of our thoughts. When we change our thoughts, we can change our life. These universal laws offer us potential power as a co-creator in our own life.
By consciously directing our attention on things we want to create in our life, we can help the universe to manifest our thoughts into reality. Therefore, it is important that we have a sense of what we want to welcome into our lives. When we become aware of where we have been directing our attention, we can start to make sense of how things are in our life.

Our mindset influences what we allow into our life. If we have a scarcity mindset, we believe that there are not enough resources to go around for everyone. We are driven by fear and competition and focused on lack. In this instance, we believe a person’s successes, achievements or level of happiness leaves less of a share for us. We are threatened by the lives of others as we feel it impacts on our own quality of life. When our thoughts are centred on scarcity, we attract more lack into our lives and prevent abundance from manifesting.
The opposite is an abundance mindset, where we believe that the universe has unlimited resources. This mindset does not arise from fear but from love. We are not threatened by another’s happiness, successes, achievements and gains as we believe it does not diminish the chance that we have to obtain these for ourselves. When we are focused on abundance, we practice gratitude and thankfulness and we attract more abundance into our life. When we believe in universal abundance we are genuinely grateful and relish in the successes of others as it does not mean that there are less resources available to us.

According to many ancient traditions, like yoga, the practice of non-attachment is one of the keys to a contented life. When we are attached to an outcome, we are striving and clinging to expectations. This sets ourselves up for disappointment. When we practice non-attachment, we know the outcome may be different than we envisaged and we are undisturbed by that. We are able to go with the flow of the river. When we have a strong attachment to an expected outcome we resist the flow of the river. In our resistance, we experience suffering. What we resist, persists and so the suffering is prolonged. Non-attachment relieves us of this suffering as we are more flexible and adaptable to outcomes as we swim with the current of the river.
When we have a scarcity mentality it is more difficult to practice the principle of non-attachment as we do not feel safe if the outcome does not go our way. However, an abundance mindset is more conducive to supporting a practice of non-attachment, as we already trust that things are working out for our greater good, regardless of the outcome. The practice of non-attachment requires an inner shift towards trusting that the universe is a loving, safe and abundant space. To develop this awareness may require deep work to heal the wounds that have led us to feeling that the universe cannot be trusted. When our fear hijacks us, we allow our ego to influence our intentions. It is worth the effort to support our healing so that we can begin to co-create from the place of love rather than fear.

Working with affirmations can be a useful practice to change our mindset and shift our thought patterns to align with our intentions. Affirmations are words that we repeat daily, like a mantra, with the aim of changing what we believe about ourselves and our reality. Words have energetic power like magnets, drawing to us what we have expressed in our affirmations. We can use affirmations to change our belief system to sow the seeds of qualities and behaviours we want to bring into our life such as kindness, compassion, love, acceptance and self-worthiness. This practice further releases our old fear based thinking and moves us towards love.
Everything in the universe is interdependent and what we put out we get back. Like a boomerang, there is a rebound affect. For every action we take, there is a reaction. When we have conscious awareness of this interconnectedness we know that we can co-create a vision for our life through our intentions. An intention gives us an aim or a plan for the direction of our life. When we set intentions, we determine where we want to focus our energy. This directs our attention and where our attention goes, energy flows. It allows us to line up arrows and direct them at intended targets. The power of intention is far reaching. Once the intention is set things are set in motion. Nothing can happen until the intention is set. Our intentions have a great influence on the people, circumstances and things that are attracted into our life.

Intention setting requires a level of specificity and non-attachment. For the universe to know exactly where to direct energy and what we want to attract into our lives it helps to be specific. When setting intentions, it is powerful to write them down so that we can revisit the words later in our lives and see how things have worked out. When an intention is expressly stated, the choice of words have significance. The universe does not interpret things. It simply takes the literal translation of our intention. Therefore, it is important to choose the words that reflect our truest intention as the words themselves will influence the outcome. For example; if we state the intention that we want to publish a book that is slightly different to expressly saying we want a publishing house to publish our book. The outcome for the two intentions will reflect these slight disparities in wording. The first intention might lead to a self-published route while the second intention might lead to a contract with a publishing house. The universe responds with exactness and so it is useful to get super specific with our intentions.
When we set our intentions, it is imperative then to genuinely release all attachment to what comes next and just allow things to unfold. If we cling and attach tightly to the outcome, the quality of our thoughts may start to push our goal further away from us. When we worry that things are not working out, we returning to fear-based scarcity thinking. When this happens, our attention is supplying more energy to our worries and it may be the fears that attract into our lives.
When we begin to witness our lives with conscious awareness, we become the observer. We can then explore the intention behind all our decisions, actions and behaviours. It is only when we look at the ‘why’ behind the ‘why’ we can know if we are acting from a place of wisdom and if our choices serve the greater good.
When we set an intention that we want to evolve and grow then opportunities present themselves to facilitate our personal growth. Each individual’s journey towards personal growth serves to raise the frequency and vibration of humanity moving us forward to our fullest potential.
